Yea!!! We're up and moving again. Funny thing is, along the way, I snapped the super hornet before and after the P-8 Poseidon, but not the P-8 itself..... Hmmm... But no worries, we'll come back to that later. As usual with Malaysian weather, it was incredibly hot and sunny (did I mention that it was extremely hot?). Evident with this F-18 sunbathing with an eyepatch.
F/A-18F Super Hornet (166917 / NF-102)
This was the US Navy's F-18 Diamonbacks 60th Anniversary markings. Too bad that during the duration of visit, it did not perform.
Now not all business jets are used as business jets. At this size, and the speed as well as its maneuvrability, this executive jet has been converted to a radar platform. It has more antennas and a radar dome on the underside of the aircraft. No chance to get in as they were only opening the aircraft to potential buyers.
As we proceed along the length of the tarmac and the exhibition areas, we encountered even more combat aircraft, some types familiar, while others not so, like the F-15s.
Now we are done with the military part (for the time being) it is time to switch back to the civil side of aviation here at LIMA. Remember the AirAsia A320 a few posts back, well here is the belly of it. YUP. We got to get up close to see every protrusions, nooks and cranny of the aircraft.
Belly of 9M-AHX
Stairs were there, but doors were not open. Did not had a chance to visit the cabin nor the cockpit of this narrowbody airliner. No worries though as being so close to the wheels and the engines were enough to make my day. Nose gear shot here, while I scour the storage for that picture.
Next to this A320 was this cute little thing.
Evektor-Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar SL+ (OK-FUU09) [Larger]
From this picture, it is evident how the centre of gravity is near the front of the aircraft, with the engine and the cockpit. Wheels are located quite far in front, but it still balances well. For some reason, I didn't get an up close shot of the Grob at the background this was the only shot of it.
DCA Learjet 60 (9M-FCL)
I wonder if my map has gone all awry as from the Evektor to this spot, it seems kinda far. Let's just put it here first for now. Should I regain my senses from the pictures again, it shall be updated. This Learjet is owned by the DCA and is used to calibrate the ILS systems of Malaysian Airport Runways (well those that support ILS).
Managed to climb on-board (yup, climb) to the cockpit of the Polis Pilatus PC-6. It has the old style undercarriage of WW2 planes, where 2 wheels are located at the front of the fuselage. Controls are fairly kept to the dashboard. Even the throttle quadrant is on the dash (with a note, do not go to reverse while in the air). The aircraft's control is done mainly by wires and cables. Moving the yoke and the rudder pedals directly moved the ailerons and rudders. This is real basic.
Now on to some rotorblades.
Parked next to the pilatus was this white beauty. An executive transport that can take you anywhere in the urban jungle, as long as there is a helipad ready. The person there was glad to explain the operating principles of the helicopter. Managed to ask some questions regarding taxiing the helicopter and even about how the rotors and engines work in unison. Again, very nice of that person to spend time talking about this to us.
One of the last few exhibits of this row is this Seahawk. I only see this a lot in books, movies and documentaries, but never one in real life. Those crew were happy chatting to themselves. Since it was quite hot at that point, we decided to just zoom through the area.

UH-1Y Venom (168036)
Now on to some rotorblades.
Sikorsky S-76 (N7637M)
Parked next to the pilatus was this white beauty. An executive transport that can take you anywhere in the urban jungle, as long as there is a helipad ready. The person there was glad to explain the operating principles of the helicopter. Managed to ask some questions regarding taxiing the helicopter and even about how the rotors and engines work in unison. Again, very nice of that person to spend time talking about this to us.
Sikorsky SH-60R Strikehawk (TA-04)
One of the last few exhibits of this row is this Seahawk. I only see this a lot in books, movies and documentaries, but never one in real life. Those crew were happy chatting to themselves. Since it was quite hot at that point, we decided to just zoom through the area.
UH-1Y Venom (168036)
At the very edge of the display area was this helicopter, the UH-1Y Venom. It has come a long way from its first design, the UH-1 Iroquois, a single-engined, 2-bladed utility helicopter. Now, it has 4 blades for added lift, and an extra engine, along with lots of other improvements. It is like the 747, an old design, but with constant improvements and upgrades, it is what it is today.
Back to the airshow, with all the helicopters in place, all the smaller single-engined trainer aircraft by HM Aerospace had to be squeezed into the shade. Not many photos of this one, somehow it was just brushed across.
RMAF EC-725 Cougar (M55-03)
A relatively new addition to the RMAF, this Cougar replaces the "Nuri" helicopters (Sea King) in the RMAF fleet. This particular frame has tow bars attached as it was about to be moved to the central point (it was moved to the centre part on the second day). Doors were not open for viewing on this one, so no internal pics.
Malaysian Navy Super Lynx (M501-5) Larger
I always get the feeling that the lynx are rather oversized helicopters sitting on tiny legs. The view in the pic is directed towards the tarmac. Behind me, or rather in my 9 o'clock direction, a Bomba (Fire Department) Mil Mi helicopter was parked. With this heat, none of us had the drive to go there. A few more pics of choppers before we head on to the airshow.
Malaysian Navy AS555 Fennec (M502-2) - with "double chin"
Malaysian Maritime AS365 Dauphin (M70-01)
Time check?? About 11:15 am. Waiting for the airshow at 12:30 pm which eventually got bumped to 12:00 pm.