Sunday 28 September 2014

Tuesday Spotting [2014.09.16] - Part 1

After a month of absence, I shall resume.
This is one of those rare moments where spotting sessions are held on a Tuesday. Traffic was good as well. Sunlight was..... well you'll get the idea s the shots come in.

First off, are two foreign carriers that depart at about 8, both to their respective destinations of Hong Kong and Bangkok.

Dragonair A330-343 (B-HYI)

Thai Airways B737-4D7 (HS-TDG)

Starting to miss the sound of Thai's A300s. They have been officially retired.

3 ATR72s departed around this time as well (9M-FYI, 9M-FIA, 9M-LMK), but due to their small size, early rotation and lack of sunlight, the picture turnout was rather disappointing. No worries, as they would make a come back later in the day.

Malaysia Airlines B737-8H6 (9M-MXG)

This is one of MAS' latest livery, with the WAU edges cut off. Personally, the old version was in much better proportion, and looks more complete rather than this one. This looks like there was no space left to complete the logo.

AirAsia A320 (9M-AJB)

This was powering out of Penang International Airport. The airport and its new building (still old control tower) is clearly visible here.

The incoming SilkAir must have over estimated the approach (or maybe something else) and is seen making a tight turn to align with the runway. (Note the approaching AirAsia jet near the bottom for runway heading.

The turnaround time for most of the smaller aircraft are about 40 minutes to an hour. So it is possible to see them arriving and departing within a short period of time, and also see them coming in to Penang a few times per day.

MXG departing

Malindo ATR72-600 (9M-LMF)

FedEx MD-11F (N614FE)

FedEx Tri-Holer was up next. Had to lift the camera up real high to clear those fences, and even so, the fences still ended up in the shot. Better than blocking the jet. 

End of part 1. With the number of shots taken, looks like it will be a 3-part session.

Stay Tuned..

fedex md-11 landing penang sslee
dragonair sslee a330 penang
malaysia airlines 9m-mxg takeoff sslee penang
9m-ajb airasia sharklets sslee penang
thai airways sslee